I sometimes eat out with my friend for lunch or dinner at this restaurant and went there for lunch today.
The name of the restaurant is '草木万里野(Kusakimarino)' I heard they opened the restaurant on the premise 'The owner Sheff Marino opened the Asian restaurant after she remodeled'
The building is like half in Japanese style and half in European style. We can open the small sliding door with stooping down for entering the inside. Ah, in my case I don't have to stoop down because I am very short...:p
The foods menu is also semi-western style and you can find many kinds of dishes like Italian, chinese, Japanes foods.
Kusakimarino is kind of chain store so you can find it in Kita kanto area (located in more than about 50miles northeast from Tokyo like Gumma,Saitama, Tochigi prefecture) There still aren't in Tokyo. Personally, I don't want to them to open in Tokyo but only in Kita kanto area.
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