Thursday, October 28, 2010

Taiwan restaurant

I ate out with co-workers at Taiwan restaurant for lunch. It's very popular restaurant around my office because it's really reasonable, enough amount and good taste. There is set menu for lunch. We can have ra-men(noodle) and donmono(bowl of rice with something) at only 650yen. Oh also you can get almond jelly as a dessert.
Besides they serve very quickly so we can have enough time for eating and rest even at lunch time in the office.
I had leftover again...and I was quite full so it was very hard to keep my eye opening.
Anyway, I am sure this price would never happened at city area.

台味館 Taimikan 

【住】 群馬県邑楽郡大泉町寄木戸758‐5
758-5 Yorikido Oizumi Oura-gun, Gunma
【電】 0276‐63‐7688
【営】 11:00~14:30 17:00~24:30
【休】 なし

Ah, I should have taken some pictures meals I had.

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