Friday, January 14, 2011

インプロゲーム improvisation game

I took part in the prototype improvisation game in the office. One of staff at my current division, HR is developing the training for employee of our customer and then, she wanted our staff included me take this game to verify this training before she provide it to our customer in real. I heard this training is useful for making high intuition or preventing being get nervous when someone is faced on important moment.
We took some games. As an example, it's called '職業当てゲーム'(The game to guess what is one's job), one person act out a pantomime of the job which is come upon in his mind without verbal explanation and then others guess what is that job. I tired to act as the staff of gas station and the modeling. I could make them get it very quickly.
Or other is, 秘密の言葉(the secret words), three person are given one word individually it should be used while skit but they don't know their words each other and also situation of that skit and then they must say or get action of their secret words while they play a role in the skit. I couldn't help laughing because during our team's skit which is the scene of 'センター試験'(the exam for enrollment of the national university in Japan) one man gave the word 'ソリ'(a sled) as the one of the transportation means for returning from that exam. (maybe that's because it has been cold here and then it will be snow tomorrow. hahaha!!)
Anyway I felt it was very short today. I always feel toooooo long everyday when I am in the office, though. I wished I could always spent the time like today in the office. Well, but i will be able to leave the office in about 2months so all I have to do is just keeping patient for a short time.

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